erg_get_block_template' ) ? gutenberg_get_block_template( BlockTemplateUtils::PLUGIN_SLUG . '//' . $slug, $template_type ) : get_block_template( BlockTemplateUtils::PLUGIN_SLUG . '//' . $slug, $template_type ); // Re-hook this function, it was only unhooked to stop recursion. add_filter( 'pre_get_block_file_template', array( $this, 'maybe_return_blocks_template' ), 10, 3 ); remove_filter( 'get_block_file_template', array( $this, 'get_single_block_template' ), 10, 3 ); if ( null !== $maybe_template ) { return $maybe_template; } // At this point we haven't had any luck finding a template. Give up and let Gutenberg take control again. return $template; } /** * Runs on the get_block_template hook. If a template is already found and passed to this function, then return it * and don't run. * If a template is *not* passed, try to look for one that matches the ID in the database, if that's not found defer * to Blocks templates files. Priority goes: DB-Theme, DB-Blocks, Filesystem-Theme, Filesystem-Blocks. * * @param \WP_Block_Template $template The found block template. * @param string $id Template unique identifier (example: theme_slug//template_slug). * @param array $template_type wp_template or wp_template_part. * * @return mixed|null */ public function get_single_block_template( $template, $id, $template_type ) { // The template was already found before the filter runs, just return it immediately. if ( null !== $template ) { return $template; } $template_name_parts = explode( '//', $id ); if ( count( $template_name_parts ) < 2 ) { return $template; } list( , $slug ) = $template_name_parts; // If this blocks template doesn't exist then we should just skip the function and let Gutenberg handle it. if ( ! $this->block_template_is_available( $slug, $template_type ) ) { return $template; } $available_templates = $this->get_block_templates( array( $slug ), $template_type ); return ( is_array( $available_templates ) && count( $available_templates ) > 0 ) ? BlockTemplateUtils::gutenberg_build_template_result_from_file( $available_templates[0], $available_templates[0]->type ) : $template; } /** * Add the block template objects to be used. * * @param array $query_result Array of template objects. * @param array $query Optional. Arguments to retrieve templates. * @param array $template_type wp_template or wp_template_part. * @return array */ public function add_block_templates( $query_result, $query, $template_type ) { if ( ! BlockTemplateUtils::supports_block_templates() ) { return $query_result; } $post_type = isset( $query['post_type'] ) ? $query['post_type'] : ''; $slugs = isset( $query['slug__in'] ) ? $query['slug__in'] : array(); $template_files = $this->get_block_templates( $slugs, $template_type ); // @todo: Add apply_filters to _gutenberg_get_template_files() in Gutenberg to prevent duplication of logic. foreach ( $template_files as $template_file ) { // Avoid adding the same template if it's already in the array of $query_result. if ( array_filter( $query_result, function( $query_result_template ) use ( $template_file ) { return $query_result_template->slug === $template_file->slug && $query_result_template->theme === $template_file->theme; } ) ) { continue; } // If the current $post_type is set (e.g. on an Edit Post screen), and isn't included in the available post_types // on the template file, then lets skip it so that it doesn't get added. This is typically used to hide templates // in the template dropdown on the Edit Post page. if ( $post_type && isset( $template_file->post_types ) && ! in_array( $post_type, $template_file->post_types, true ) ) { continue; } // It would be custom if the template was modified in the editor, so if it's not custom we can load it from // the filesystem. if ( 'custom' !== $template_file->source ) { $template = BlockTemplateUtils::gutenberg_build_template_result_from_file( $template_file, $template_type ); } else { $template_file->title = BlockTemplateUtils::convert_slug_to_title( $template_file->slug ); $query_result[] = $template_file; continue; } $is_not_custom = false === array_search( wp_get_theme()->get_stylesheet() . '//' . $template_file->slug, array_column( $query_result, 'id' ), true ); $fits_slug_query = ! isset( $query['slug__in'] ) || in_array( $template_file->slug, $query['slug__in'], true ); $fits_area_query = ! isset( $query['area'] ) || $template_file->area === $query['area']; $should_include = $is_not_custom && $fits_slug_query && $fits_area_query; if ( $should_include ) { $query_result[] = $template; } } $query_result = $this->remove_theme_templates_with_custom_alternative( $query_result ); return $query_result; } /** * Removes templates that were added to a theme's block-templates directory, but already had a customised version saved in the database. * * @param \WP_Block_Template[]|\stdClass[] $templates List of templates to run the filter on. * * @return array List of templates with duplicates removed. The customised alternative is preferred over the theme default. */ public function remove_theme_templates_with_custom_alternative( $templates ) { // Get the slugs of all templates that have been customised and saved in the database. $customised_template_slugs = array_map( function( $template ) { return $template->slug; }, array_values( array_filter( $templates, function( $template ) { // This template has been customised and saved as a post. return 'custom' === $template->source; } ) ) ); // Remove theme (i.e. filesystem) templates that have the same slug as a customised one. We don't need to check // for `woocommerce` in $template->source here because woocommerce templates won't have been added to $templates // if a saved version was found in the db. This only affects saved templates that were saved BEFORE a theme // template with the same slug was added. return array_values( array_filter( $templates, function( $template ) use ( $customised_template_slugs ) { // This template has been customised and saved as a post, so return it. return ! ( 'theme' === $template->source && in_array( $template->slug, $customised_template_slugs, true ) ); } ) ); } /** * Gets the templates saved in the database. * * @param array $slugs An array of slugs to retrieve templates for. * @param array $template_type wp_template or wp_template_part. * * @return int[]|\WP_Post[] An array of found templates. */ public function get_block_templates_from_db( $slugs = array(), $template_type = 'wp_template' ) { // This was the previously incorrect slug used to save DB templates against. // To maintain compatibility with users sites who have already customised WooCommerce block templates using this slug we have to still use it to query those. // More context found here: $invalid_plugin_slug = 'woocommerce'; $check_query_args = array( 'post_type' => $template_type, 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'no_found_rows' => true, 'tax_query' => array( // phpcs:ignore WordPress.DB.SlowDBQuery.slow_db_query_tax_query array( 'taxonomy' => 'wp_theme', 'field' => 'name', 'terms' => array( $invalid_plugin_slug, BlockTemplateUtils::PLUGIN_SLUG, get_stylesheet() ), ), ), ); if ( is_array( $slugs ) && count( $slugs ) > 0 ) { $check_query_args['post_name__in'] = $slugs; } $check_query = new \WP_Query( $check_query_args ); $saved_woo_templates = $check_query->posts; return array_map( function( $saved_woo_template ) { return BlockTemplateUtils::gutenberg_build_template_result_from_post( $saved_woo_template ); }, $saved_woo_templates ); } /** * Gets the templates from the WooCommerce blocks directory, skipping those for which a template already exists * in the theme directory. * * @param string[] $slugs An array of slugs to filter templates by. Templates whose slug does not match will not be returned. * @param array $already_found_templates Templates that have already been found, these are customised templates that are loaded from the database. * @param string $template_type wp_template or wp_template_part. * * @return array Templates from the WooCommerce blocks plugin directory. */ public function get_block_templates_from_woocommerce( $slugs, $already_found_templates, $template_type = 'wp_template' ) { $directory = $this->get_templates_directory( $template_type ); $template_files = BlockTemplateUtils::gutenberg_get_template_paths( $directory ); $templates = array(); if ( 'wp_template_part' === $template_type ) { $dir_name = self::TEMPLATE_PARTS_DIR_NAME; } else { $dir_name = self::TEMPLATES_DIR_NAME; } foreach ( $template_files as $template_file ) { $template_slug = BlockTemplateUtils::generate_template_slug_from_path( $template_file, $dir_name ); // This template does not have a slug we're looking for. Skip it. if ( is_array( $slugs ) && count( $slugs ) > 0 && ! in_array( $template_slug, $slugs, true ) ) { continue; } // If the theme already has a template, or the template is already in the list (i.e. it came from the // database) then we should not overwrite it with the one from the filesystem. if ( BlockTemplateUtils::theme_has_template( $template_slug ) || count( array_filter( $already_found_templates, function ( $template ) use ( $template_slug ) { $template_obj = (object) $template; //phpcs:ignore WordPress.CodeAnalysis.AssignmentInCondition.Found return $template_obj->slug === $template_slug; } ) ) > 0 ) { continue; } // If the theme has an archive-product.html template, but not a taxonomy-product_cat.html template let's use the themes archive-product.html template. if ( 'taxonomy-product_cat' === $template_slug && ! BlockTemplateUtils::theme_has_template( 'taxonomy-product_cat' ) && BlockTemplateUtils::theme_has_template( 'archive-product' ) ) { $template_file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . self::TEMPLATES_DIR_NAME . '/archive-product.html'; $templates[] = BlockTemplateUtils::create_new_block_template_object( $template_file, $template_type, $template_slug, true ); continue; } // If the theme has an archive-product.html template, but not a taxonomy-product_tag.html template let's use the themes archive-product.html template. if ( 'taxonomy-product_tag' === $template_slug && ! BlockTemplateUtils::theme_has_template( 'taxonomy-product_tag' ) && BlockTemplateUtils::theme_has_template( 'archive-product' ) ) { $template_file = get_stylesheet_directory() . '/' . self::TEMPLATES_DIR_NAME . '/archive-product.html'; $templates[] = BlockTemplateUtils::create_new_block_template_object( $template_file, $template_type, $template_slug, true ); continue; } // At this point the template only exists in the Blocks filesystem and has not been saved in the DB, // or superseded by the theme. $templates[] = BlockTemplateUtils::create_new_block_template_object( $template_file, $template_type, $template_slug ); } return $templates; } /** * Get and build the block template objects from the block template files. * * @param array $slugs An array of slugs to retrieve templates for. * @param array $template_type wp_template or wp_template_part. * * @return array */ public function get_block_templates( $slugs = array(), $template_type = 'wp_template' ) { $templates_from_db = $this->get_block_templates_from_db( $slugs, $template_type ); $templates_from_woo = $this->get_block_templates_from_woocommerce( $slugs, $templates_from_db, $template_type ); return array_merge( $templates_from_db, $templates_from_woo ); } /** * Gets the directory where templates of a specific template type can be found. * * @param array $template_type wp_template or wp_template_part. * * @return string */ protected function get_templates_directory( $template_type = 'wp_template' ) { if ( 'wp_template_part' === $template_type ) { return $this->template_parts_directory; } return $this->templates_directory; } /** * Checks whether a block template with that name exists in Woo Blocks * * @param string $template_name Template to check. * @param array $template_type wp_template or wp_template_part. * * @return boolean */ public function block_template_is_available( $template_name, $template_type = 'wp_template' ) { if ( ! $template_name ) { return false; } $directory = $this->get_templates_directory( $template_type ) . '/' . $template_name . '.html'; return is_readable( $directory ) || $this->get_block_templates( array( $template_name ), $template_type ); } /** * Renders the default block template from Woo Blocks if no theme templates exist. */ public function render_block_template() { if ( is_embed() || ! BlockTemplateUtils::supports_block_templates() ) { return; } if ( is_singular( 'product' ) && ! BlockTemplateUtils::theme_has_template( 'single-product' ) && $this->block_template_is_available( 'single-product' ) ) { add_filter( 'woocommerce_has_block_template', '__return_true', 10, 0 ); } elseif ( ( is_product_taxonomy() && is_tax( 'product_cat' ) ) && ! BlockTemplateUtils::theme_has_template( 'taxonomy-product_cat' ) && $this->block_template_is_available( 'taxonomy-product_cat' ) ) { add_filter( 'woocommerce_has_block_template', '__return_true', 10, 0 ); } elseif ( ( is_product_taxonomy() && is_tax( 'product_tag' ) ) && ! BlockTemplateUtils::theme_has_template( 'taxonomy-product_tag' ) && $this->block_template_is_available( 'taxonomy-product_tag' ) ) { add_filter( 'woocommerce_has_block_template', '__return_true', 10, 0 ); } elseif ( ( is_post_type_archive( 'product' ) || is_page( wc_get_page_id( 'shop' ) ) ) && ! BlockTemplateUtils::theme_has_template( 'archive-product' ) && $this->block_template_is_available( 'archive-product' ) ) { add_filter( 'woocommerce_has_block_template', '__return_true', 10, 0 ); } } /** * Add template part areas for our blocks. * * @param array $area_definitions An array of supported area objects. */ public function add_template_part_areas( $area_definitions ) { return array_merge( $area_definitions, array( array( 'area' => 'mini-cart', 'label' => __( 'Mini Cart', 'woocommerce' ), 'description' => __( 'The Mini Cart template defines a page area that contains the content of the Mini Cart block.', 'woocommerce' ), 'icon' => 'sidebar', 'area_tag' => 'div', ), ) ); } /** * Add mini cart content block to new template part for Mini Cart area. * * @param int $post_id Post ID. * @param \WP_Post $post Post object. * @param bool $update Whether this is an existing post being updated. */ public function add_mini_cart_content_to_template_part( $post_id, $post, $update ) { // We only inject the mini cart content when the template part is created. if ( $update ) { return; } // If by somehow, the template part was created with content, bail. if ( ! empty( $post->content ) ) { return; } if ( ! function_exists( 'get_block_file_template' ) ) { return; } if ( 'wp_template_part' !== $post->post_type ) { return; } $type_terms = get_the_terms( $post, 'wp_template_part_area' ); if ( is_wp_error( $type_terms ) || false === $type_terms ) { return; } if ( 'mini-cart' !== $type_terms[0]->name ) { return; } // Remove the filter temporarily for wp_update_post below. remove_filter( 'wp_insert_post', array( $this, 'add_mini_cart_content_to_template_part' ), 10, 3 ); $block_template = null; /** * We only use the mini cart content from file. */ if ( BlockTemplateUtils::theme_has_template_part( 'mini-cart' ) ) { $template_id = sprintf( '%s//mini-cart', wp_get_theme()->get_stylesheet() ); $block_template = get_block_file_template( $template_id, 'wp_template_part' ); } else { $available_templates = $this->get_block_templates_from_woocommerce( array( 'mini-cart' ), array(), 'wp_template_part' ); if ( is_array( $available_templates ) && count( $available_templates ) > 0 ) { $block_template = BlockTemplateUtils::gutenberg_build_template_result_from_file( $available_templates[0], $available_templates[0]->type ); } } if ( is_a( $block_template, 'WP_Block_Template' ) ) { $post->post_content = $block_template->content; } else { // Just for extra safety. $post->post_content = ''; } wp_update_post( $post ); add_filter( 'wp_insert_post', array( $this, 'add_mini_cart_content_to_template_part' ), 10, 3 ); } }